Thursday, March 10, 2011


For the sake of Kamahele's grandparents who all live in Hawaii, I've made it to goal to try and blog at least once a week. Key word: GOAL so since its been a week since my last post i've decided that its about that time to return to blogging.

Kamahele Durrett: Baseball Proflie Picture

Kamahele is ALL-BOY! Guns, Cars, xbox, pretend fighting, every type of sport that involves a ball and hes pretty much set for a good time. Not gonna lie its been a major change for me to wrap my mind around how these sort of things are fun (referring to the guns, xbox and play fight) but my hubby keeps telling me that its innate.

So lets just leave it at that.

With that being said, every morning he'll bring me a ball (or gun) for us to play with and this particular day was a day for baseball. He grabbed his fitted hat, bat, baseball, mit

......and ran into the kitchen to challenge me to an inning. I'll let the pictures do most the talking

Lets play ball
warming up!

Position: catcher
Status: so awesome he doesn't even have to look at the ball

Coach Kamahele giving the signal/ opposing team ready to bat
i love how it looks like the sun is in his face haha

Got his eye on the prize!

Is this kid multi-talented or what....haha!
He can play every position

Hope there's a future for him in baseball, cause thats something mommy doesn't mind wrapping her mind around :)


  1. He is so go boy! We love seeing your post so keep it up!

  2. what a cutie!!! He definitely looks like a natural :)

  3. Oh my goodness he looks exactly like Kahi! What a cute boy.

