Monday, March 16, 2009

Peeping Turtle

The other morning we decided to give baby tummy time in his bassinet. In the meantime Kahi and I laid down in the bed beside him to watch T.V. After a few minutes of being in his bed I looked over to see him staring at was so funny! We just had to video tape our little turtle. My, my, my what a strong neck he has.


  1. So cute! LOL! He probably wanted to watch tv too! He's so strong already! Better be careful or he's goin to start pulling himself out of the basinet :)

  2. oh my goodness, he is so cute! Congratulations!! I didn't even know you gave birth! So, what's his full name? How heavy was he? When is his birthday? Let me know the scoops! Welcome to motherhood!

  3. awh...that is sooo his neck is strong..something must've caught his attention...mommy he wanted to watch t.v. with you folks lol. hope all is well

